This is the setup for the Venue in Cleveleys. The job came to us quite late – one weeks’ notice – but fortunately we got it done. It was a bit of a scramble in the end but the event went really well and everyone involved was pleased.
This is quite a big one for us with 24 cask taps and a full ‘remote’ setup for four keg taps but it all worked and looked like a work of art by the time we finished. Obviously, I was totally obliged to spend a couple of (very pleasant) evenings on site in a tech support/beer taster role! Fortunately, the setup worked flawlessly once we coaxed it into life so tech support wasn’t needed – which was a very good thing because beer tasting took over quite quickly…
A brilliant event. A bit of a stretch for our little business to be honest but it went very well and we look forward to more of them.