We have beer pipe listed in a couple of spots on the webshop – Here and Here – but they don’t really cover the complete picture so…
Most beer pipe is 3/8 and we have miles of it. Some pipe is 5/16 so often out of the back of taps or fonts you may find 5/16 beer pipe. Also, the fittings on some coolers are 5/16 as well so the size itself is not unusual but it catches plenty of people out because it isn’t always obvious from first glance that it’s a slightly quirky size. It’s relatively normal stuff in the industry though and we always have a supply.
The ‘microbore’ beer pipe that we see, the really small bore stuff, is 3/16 and is very common. We rarely use it in more than two metre sections but it is a critical item which, again, we have loads of in stock always.
Beer gas pipe is always 3/8 and is colour coded. We don’t always have all the colours but we always have some beer gas pipe available.
The other size that’s of interest on the beer dispense side is 1/2 (half inch). This is the common size for beer engines or hand pumps. Again, it’s something we keep a good supply of. We’ve never quite figured out why we might use braided or non braided so tend not to worry too much about that aspect; we will use and supply whatever we have in stock.
We keep python as well, often offcuts from jobs but we usually have some around if that’s what you’re looking for.
If you can’t see what you need on the webshop it doesn’t mean that we don’ have it neccessarily; always worth dropping us a message.
3/8 Beer Pipe 5/16 Beer Pipe 3/8 Gas Pipe 1/2 Steel Helix Pipe